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R2024b-Release Highligths Video
R2024b Release Highlights

Major Updates

  • 5G Toolbox – Explore candidate 6G waveform generation; use the Wireless Waveform Analyzer app to perform signal quality assessments of the acquired 5G waveforms.
  • DSP HDL Toolbox – Use the interactive DSP HDL IP Designer app to customize, configure DSP algorithms, and generate HDL code and verification components.
  • Simulink Control Design – Design and implement nonlinear and data-driven control techniques such as sliding mode and iterative learning control.
  • System Composer – Edit subsetted views; describe system behavior with activity and sequence diagrams.


  • Embedded Coder – As of R2024b, the SoC Blockset Support Package for Infineon® AURIX Microcontrollers has been merged into the Embedded Coder Support Package for Infineon® AURIX TCx4 Microcontrollers. 

Release Highlights

Live Editor Fonts

Live Editor Fonts

Customize font, size, color, and formatting of text and code styles.

My alt text

Component Interface View

Create, edit, and view interfaces in a perspective that highlights component boundaries and signal tracing.

6G Exploration Library

Explore 6G enabling technologies with MATLAB.


  • Help Center – View documentation in your system web browser.
  • Solve ODE Live Editor Task – Interactively solve systems of ordinary differential equations.
  • Reading Online Data – Read remote data over HTTP and HTTPS with 31 additional functions across multiple categories, including low-level I/O, datastores, and HDF5.
  • Graphics – Visualize grouped numeric data (violinplot); create one or more compass plots in polar axes (compassplot).
  • dbstop Function – Pause execution when unsuppressed output is returned to find missing semicolons.
  • Build Automation – Create and run a group of tasks


  • Runtime Variants – Change the active choice of a Variant Subsystem block during simulation or code generation by setting the activation time to runtime.
  • Simulation Data Inspector – Save and load sessions with faster time and smaller file size with the new MLDATX 2.0 file format.
  • Simulink Editor – Learn more about Simulink blocks and actions when using quick insert.



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