Use Speedgoat target hardware with Simulink Real-Time for your real-time simulation and testing environment.
Speedgoat real-time target machines and Simulink Real-Time are expressly designed to work together to create real-time systems for desktop, lab, and field environments.
Highest performance multi-core and multi CPU target machines and software support for concurrent execution of real-time application on multiple cores.
Latest generation FPGAs with I/O. Closed-loop rates of multiple MHz. HDL Coder support. Multiple FPGAs connect for hundreds of analog and digital I/O lines.
We offer I/O and communications protocols interfaces for almost every application, with Simulink driver blocks
included in delivery (drag and drop)
Hardware warranty, software maintenance, training and
project-based engineering services are available to protect
your investments.
Explore the wide range of product capabilities, and find the solution that is right for your application.